The Heart of Hollywood Magazine is excited about our Male Model cover contest taking place right now! This is a major opportunity for models all over the globe. The winner will appear on the front cover of the Heart Of Hollywood Magazine!
So let us introduce the models currently leading the race and read their inspiring stories! Remember, you can view all of our current 25+ participants and vote for your favorite here:
Meet JaQuin Brown-Holland

What is your dream and why do you want to be on the cover?
My dream is to be one of the most well-known professional male models in the world. I want to be on the cover of this magazine to represent my city and to show people around the world the potential this city (Milwaukee) has.
You can vote for him here:
Meet Halas Wilbourn

What is your dream and why do you want to be on the cover?
My dream is to win this modeling contest and pursue a career in the film industry.
Growing up, I always wondered what my life would be like, to see my face on the cover of a magazine in stores all over the world!
You can vote for him here:
Meet Isaiah Bo Cox

What is your dream and why do you want to be on the cover?
I want to do this for my mom. She has been so instrumental in my career as a romance cover model and as an overall human. I have received inquiries about signing but the individuals have always wanted me to cut my hair. My mom gave me the best advice. Is this what you want to do - to conform to what they think will be the best or is this what you are adamant about and just being you? So, that's why I still have long hair and am an independent model. It's okay to laugh. Some of the sayings my mom has would turn your head.
Vote for him here:
Meet Rob Casey Souza

What is your dream and why do you want to be on the cover?
To travel to meet and experience various cultures in hopes that I can provide a sense of hope and encouragement to others. By winning this contest, I feel as though I will have a platform to begin my sojourn.
Vote for him here:
Meet Vallery St Phard

What is your dream and why do you want to be on the cover?
My dream is to be one of the BEST Fashion STYLIST in the industry. Being on the cover of this magazine would be another goal that gets accomplished, a step in the right direction towards my dreams, being recognized, and getting the exposure that’s needed in my path to success. This feature would possibly open doors to better things.
Vote for him here:
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