is our award-winning documentary that tells the story of Michael Warkentin, who fell three full stories at age 22, breaking his neck and becoming quadriplegic. Despite this catastrophic accident and his very humble beginnings, he has gone on to become a self-made success and may very well be the happiest businessman you will ever meet. The film follows Michael on a spectacular European trip set amongst gorgeous landmarks and, with great humor and heart, explores the five phases of recovery we all experience after adversity. The film won two Best Documentary awards and was an official selection at fifteen festivals.
To learn more, please check out the trailer or visit us on our website Altitude Not Attitude.
Here is what the critics are saying:
"Like that other Michael – Michael Moore – Ms. Avila served as the documentary’s director and on-screen narrator, chronicling the gallivanting Warkentin as he jet-sets to some of the 26 nations he has visited since his near-fatal fall around 30 years ago. The documentary is inspirational, especially given the adversity we’ve faced in recent times.
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The 54-year-old Warkentin sums up his can-do, uplifting “message to you is, do not wait to follow your heart’s desires. Life is short and if you do not get what you need, it is your own fault. Spend time envisioning what you really want out of life. Concentrate on every detail of the life you desire and figure out what steps are needed to reach those goals.”
Thank you for your support! Kindly find the poster, screenshots, and pictures of the red carpet premiere of the film and a pdf for your information attached to this email. Please notice that the pdf has the link to the movie, which is NOT to share with others. It is only for you, our dear supporter.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
Wishing you always the best.
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I LOVED THIS FEATURE FILM! Ms. Magi Avila's directorial debut was such a powerful movie. Very true messages. She has lots of talent and it was amazing that she pulled the whole production of this film together almost all by herself.