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See Our Participants in the Winter Child Contest 2021!

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

Heart Of Hollywood Magazine is currently having a Winter Child Contest. This contest allows the winner to be named Heart Of Hollywood Child Model and get the chance to be featured in our international Magazine by doing a professional photoshoot. In the past, the winners of this contest had the opportunity to take their modeling careers to a new level. The previous winner Mia Fuentes got featured in our Spring issue, making her the youngest fashion model to work with us, and now, she is the image of the newest winter contest!

So let us introduce you to the current participants, and remember, you still have time to vote and participate. To do so, enter the following link:

Meet Millay Andu

What is your dream and why do you want to be on the cover?

My dream, when I get older. Is to help kids in Eritrea Africa. with no family. Mom or dad or both. I'll give them food, clean's very important. Because dirty water has bacteria in. clean water is very important for kids to drink & shower their body wash their hands and face and if they didn't wash their body or feet with water. the kid's smell..and a home. very important for kids because if they don't have a home they're food to eat to warm food. a place to sleep. do homework. watch tv, shower.I will also give them free education, teacher, staff, books, paper, pencil, erasers, sharpener, paper and art supplies, paint, brushes. Activity. sport, volleyball, soccer, I will build the school in the home in the same place so the kids don't have to walk for a long mile from their home because there are dangerous people kidnapping children. I want to be in the magazine because I know I can

Meet Violeta Sanchez

What is your dream and why do you want to be on the cover?

Words can't express how honored and humbled I am in being given the privilege to enter this contest to possibly represent such a prestigious magazine. If given this amazing opportunity I would represent with my values. To me life values are like fingerprints I would love to leave my marks in everything I do, I would like one day, To be remembered as a humble, kind, respectful human being. A respectable role model who is always happy and willing to help my family, friends, and my community.

Meet Esmey Price

What is your dream, and why do you want to be on the cover?

Esmey likes looking after people; she wants to be a model; her dream is to help others and represent the best in everything. Esmey wants to show natural beauty is in us all minus the makeup.

Meet Maro Zara Sanomi

What is your dream, and why do you want to be on the cover?

I would love to be at level 6 cheerleading and also become a famous dancer and singer.

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