Monarch: A Mexican American Musical is a highly original theatrical production that Los Angeles audiences were able to enjoy this December.

The play was shown at the Los Angeles Theatre Center in Downtown L.A.
The play, created by Alfonso Molina and Mayu Molina Lehmann, features nonstop music that tells thestory of people choosing to move from Mexico to the United States and sometimes not being fully accepted by those who surround them.

Melva Olivas was the choreographer for Monarch.
It also addresses the situation of Dreamers, a word used to describe individuals who arrived in the U.S. as minors and have lived in this country without official authorization since then. In fact, one of the showings of the musical was offered free of charge to Dreamers who wished to attend.
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Audiences not wishing to engage with the play’s political commentary were still moved by a very touching metaphor involving butterflies. The title of the musical made perfect sense once the migration patterns of monarch butterflies, and of human families, were discussed.
Everyone enjoyed the well-written music, especially the upbeat numbers, and the actors’ impressive stage presence and singing and dancing abilities.

One of the highlights was a rap-inspired upbeat number prominently featuring Maria Ayuso.
The cast included Marco Salazar, Juan José Juan Hernández, Carmen Gozz, Horacio Castelo, Diego Cortés, Ana Regina Cuarón, Tony Corrales, María Ayuso, Diego Tenorio, Triana Marina, Alex Eskenazi, and Bernardo Figueroa.

The Heart Of Hollywood Magazine editor (far left) and musical theater expert Irene Luevano (far right) with the stars of the show.
This musical was directed by Rodolfo Nevárez and choreographed by Melba Olivas. Horacio Castelo was the associate producer and Daniel Primo was in charge of stage and lighting design. The production had a number of supporters, including the Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles.

Editor Sandy Rodriguez was one of many media personalities attending the opening night reception.
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