Get better acquainted with one of Hollywood’s finest contributors
By K Busch
Erica Pitts is a versatile actress and entertainment contributor who may best be recognized for some of her work in various mediums. She has produced two shows for Time Warner Cable: How I Got Saved and Listen Up: I’ve Got Testimony.
Ms. Pitts has not only performed in several plays but has also been nominated for two NAACP Theatre Awards. You may have seen her on the Iphone 5 commercial “Music Everyday”
You can also have seen her in independent films on Netflix (Holidays), Amazon Prime (Loqueesha) and YouTube (Eye of The Empress: The Street Fight). Lastly, Erica has a Master’s Degree in Psychology and a BA in Theater and English.
Fans from all over have reached out to Heart Of Hollywood with various questions, we have asked Ms. Pitts if she would be willing to answer some of their biggest questions and here are her responses.
Julie from Kentucky asks, What commercials have you done?
Volkswagon, Iphone 5, Huggies, Tide - Super Bowl “The Stain”, Blimpies and Krunchy Kicking Chicken and Shrimp
Becky from Massachusetts asks, at what age did you decide you wanted to pursue a career in acting?
I’ve known I wanted to be an actress since I was about four years old. I didn’t start telling people until I was six years old.
Do you have a favorite actor or actress?
I guess it would have to be Ciley Tyson (RIP). I saw her acting and I was hooked!
James from Wyoming asks where did you go to school for psychology? I went to the University of Phoenix.
Do you have a favorite movie?
I have favorite movies in all genres but if I had to pick one ultimate favorite it would be Deep Cover – The Director’s Cut.
Jason from Michigan asks, what was your favorite role to ever play or do?
I love all of the characters that I get to portray but if I had to pick a favorite I would say playing Beneatha Younger in A Raisin In the Sun.
Do you have a favorite hobby?
I love to travel, horse-back ride and fine dining. Reading and meditating are also things I enjoy. I also find feeding ducks in parks is very soothing for me.
Jackie from Wisconsin asks, Do you have a favorite holiday? If so, which one? I love the 4th of July. It’s the firework shows for me!
Would you ever consider dating a fan?
I’m actually married. So only date night with my husband!
What are your current goals or ambitions?
I want to work as much as safely as possible and I need to buy a house.
Amy from Colorado writes in, whose your favorite clothing designer?
Wow. I know many up and coming designers and I really enjoy their clothes. However, if I had to pick someone more well-known I would go with Beyonce. I am really loving the IvyPark Adidas collection.
Mary from Florida asks, How did it feel being nominated by the NAACP?
It was such a great accomplishment and very humbling. I am forever grateful. One day I will win one.
What’s something that would be important for other aspiring actors to know?
Keep going, keep growing, keep glowing. Don’t give up. Be true and stay true to your authentic self. There is room for you too! Stay humble.
What’s something that you have rarely told anyone about yourself?
I’m a nerd... lol, I rarely tell people... They seem to just know.
George from Alaska, asks what was your favorite memory from childhood?
My mom had a surprise birthday party for me for my tenth birthday. It was epic!!! It was at my favorite amusement park – Paramount's King’s Dominion!
What’s your biggest strength?
Strong Faith
What’s your biggest weakness? Lack of patience
Do you have a favorite band or musician?
I love all music so this is really a hard one. If I had to pick one band.... Hmmm I would say MAZE Featuring Frankie Beverly.
Describe the perfect day, how would the weather be and what would you be doing?
I love the beach and I like it hot. So we would be at the beach. We would be eating great food, drinking great wine, body surfing and boogie boarding, building sandcastles, etc.

Robin from Michigan asks, do you have a favorite quote or saying?
My mom would always say, “The best assurance is insurance.” I really love that one and also, “Children Learn What They Live.”
Do you have any travel destinations that you would like to visit?
Right now Micronesia has been at the top of my bucket list for about three years. I’ll be headed there soon.
What’s your favorite food or drink?
I love crabs!!!
What’s your favorite season? Why?
I love the Summertime. I get cold easily so I like it hot and I love to swim! Call me crazy but it also seems like the food tastes better in the Summertime...
Have you ever binge-watched a series? Which one?
OMG! Of course! I have binged OZARK, Stranger Things, YOU, ATL, Dear White People, THEM, many many many more.
Additional information: How can others find you?
Twitter: @ericaericapitts IG: @pittserica
Thank you for reading and asking such great questions!
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