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Bryan Maurice Believes Establishing Oneself in the Industry Requires Authenticity

Bryan Brown, active in the fields of acting and film production, hopes to eventually produce more projects for as-yet-unknown actors, and offers advice for people eager to work in entertainment.

Brown & Orange - Everson Taraves

Hoodie & Glasses - Brad Hackworth

Logo- Seteven Christan

Brown & Orange- Everson Tarvares

When did you decide that you want to become an actor?

When I was around ten years old.

Tell me a little more about yourself.

I love to create art and tell amazing stories, I've always been a storyteller. When I was younger I used to write, and illustrate, my own bedtime stories. I would have my mom read them to me a week later, so they were like new stories, which helped me pave the way in developing my own show, One Strange Happy. From growing up in Baltimore, to the Navy, and now Los Angeles, it's definitely been an amazing ride.

What attracted you to acting as a career path?

This is a great story. When I was a kid I loved the Titanic, I mean absolutely loved it. I would do science projects on the sinking, and even found out there was an African-American family on-board. Well, when they came out with the movie starring the amazing trio of DiCaprio, Winslet, and Zane, I was amazed. As a kid, I wondered how they could make this huge ship. I was hypnotized by the stunts and performances. From then on I was hooked on acting and entertaining.


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Who are your biggest influences?

In acting it would be Chad Coleman and Coleman Domingo. They have been inspirations to my craft and to me as a young black man. They navigate this industry with grace and humility, and it shows in their performances. In my personal life, it would have to be my father. He's taught me what it takes to be a hard worker, and an exceptional human. He's fought for his country and his family many times. I only hope to become half the human he is.

What is your main strength as an actor?

My strength is my ability to not only adapt to new roles, but to immerse myself into them. I'm able to draw from real life experiences, and use them as a catalyst for the feeling of the character.

How difficult is it to establish yourself in the film industry?

Honestly it's not all that difficult. You just have to be yourself, your totally unique self. That'll help you stand out and you'll make it.

Green Jacket - Everson Tarvares

What's your dream, your ultimate goal? Do you feel like you're on the path to this goal, or do you feel as if you already achieved that dream?

My ultimate goal is to produce films for unknown artists. I am definitely on the correct path, as I already have an independent entertainment company. We make and produce films with women and minority males behind the scenes and cameras. 2nd Team Entertainment LLC is the name.

What is your message to all your fans?

To my fans, first off, thank you. This wouldn't be possible without your love and support. You all keep me going. I just wanted to say, never give up. If you have a dream. no matter what it is, do it. Stick to it and when it seems hard, just stick it out. Everything always works out, you just have to give it time. The only one that can achieve your dreams is you. So go out and be the best you that there is! Also always remember that you're amazing and awesome, no matter who you are, or what you do. That’s my message to my fans

Instagram: @MauriceMovement

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