On July 14, 2023, Heart Of Hollywood Magazine covered the historic strike of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists(SAG-AFTRA) outside Paramount Pictures in Los Angeles.

This was the first day the actors formally began striking, thus joining the screenwriters, who had been on the picket lines since May.

Several writers spoke freely and appeared to have a very positive energy. On the other hand, it was hard to get interviews from SAG-AFTRA members, because they said they couldn't speak on behalf of the union; at best, they could share their personal experiences.

Both groups are demanding fair wages and better working conditions, as well as regulations regarding the use of artificial intelligence and increases to the residual payments they receive from streaming services.

There was a big show of support from the general public, with cars honking and the presence of many people who, despite not being in the unions, simply wanted to show solidarity or had family members who did belong to these groups.

Find Heart Of Hollywood Magazine's coverage of the first day of the actors' strike, when they joined forces with the screenwriters, here: