By Jessica Ross

Emily Weis and her son Cody
Emily Weis is a devoted mother to her 7-year-old son and is a CEO for #veganevangelist and #codyscanvas.
She’s also a Casting Director, a notable poet, and the author of the book “A Poet’s Promise.” She’s a singer and released her first music video for her song Mistake in 2020. Emily’s latest role is Social Media Director for the #EyCrowd app. She attended the Comedic Writer’s Workshop in Los Angeles where she learned to artfully channel her emotions. She has two Critical Incident Stress Management Certifications which enable her to assist people with grief and trauma. Emily served at UCSD Medical Center as a Spiritual Care Volunteer and worked closely with Chaplains to help loved ones with end-of-life situations. She prayed over patients in ICU & The Burn Unit and saw many miracles occur. Emily created #thenecklaceclub and #thebirthdayclub to help raise money for the Lit With Prayer Foundation which provides free Christian-based counseling for people suffering from mental health issues.

Emily Weis
What inspired you to write "A Poets Promise"?
I was inspired by God to write my book in hopes that it will save lives and help other people feel like they aren’t alone in facing heartbreaking challenges.
Did you face any challenges during the writing process?
Yes. I write about topics that are deeply personal so it is daunting to relive moments from my past because I like to live in the present. If one life is saved by someone reading my story then it is worth any emotional pain I might face while writing my book. This is my story but it’s for God’s glory.
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What is your favorite part of your book?
Where I talk about sitting at The Rancho Bernardo Inn on a beautiful sunny day.
I had sunglasses on and behind those lenses were tears streaming down my cheeks because I was surrounded by happy families everywhere while mine was falling apart.
I think a lot of people can relate to what I’ve endured.
I also love to used by God to help others out of darkness into God’s glorious light. It is a tremendous honor and a privilege.
I always say Written By Em
God Holds The Pen.
I write rhymes and lyrics so I never know when a conversation with someone might spark a new chapter in my book.

Why do you think people should read more?
I think a lot of the content people consume is harmful to their brains. When you can get lost in a book and learn something that can radically change your life it is time well spent.

What advice do you have for someone that wants to write their first book?
Be dedicated to writing every single day even if it’s just a few sentences. I learned from one of my mentors that you can turn your journals into your book. I had actually been doing that when I met him so it was funny when I found out he wrote one of his books from his Blackberry back in the day! :)
Find an author who you deeply respect and write them a letter asking them if they are willing to help you. That’s what I did.
I ended up hiring him to be my mentor.
Send your letter certificated mail and pour your heart and soul into it.
Also, send them a portion of your book so they can feel your heart. It was effective for me. He responded years later.

Follow @litwithprayer @litwithprayer_foundation on Instagram for more information and
Reach Emily on these platforms:
@newstarthealedheart on Instagram
@AlterCallHealed on Twitter
@Emsnewlife on TikTok
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Jessica Ross is an award-winning actress and reporter, appearing on television and in films; she has also written for several fashion blogs, and been on reality TV.
Jessica has been featured on Indie Activity, Action Magazine, Heart of Hollywood, JAMO Magazine, The Actors 2020 Podcast, Entertainment Network Live, Voyage LA, Flicks Daily, Juwai, It Can By You, Livin Style Magazine, Buzzfeed, CBS, and many more.
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